Five Marys Cookbook for Children


“Passed Down”

A Collection of Recipes for Families

Inspired by my favorite childhood cookbook “For Good Measure” - Passed Down is full of easy recipes for children, illustrated ingredients and rules for good cooks!

…from the girls at Five Marys!


Passed Down is a collection of recipes for families that pays homage to my first cookbook - For Good Measure - I received as a gift from my dear grandmother (also a Mary!) when I was only 4 years old.

It has since been filled with crayon markings, ingredient stains, creased page and lots of memories from cooking in the kitchen with it as a child.

This original copy still lives in our kitchen, where Tessa uses it often. Since it’s out of print (and ingredients like shortening - a little out of date since it’s original 1932 printing!) we decided to remake our own updated version for little cooks everywhere.

We hope this inspires you and your family to get cooking in the kitchen and make memories together!


Download Your Digital copy now or pre-order a hard copy!


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And if you’d like to ORDER a HARD COPY… we have them printed now too. Link below!


a peek inside…

Passed Down Cookbook - DIGITAL COPY
Sale Price:$9.00 Original Price:$12.00