Reusing Your Five Marys Meat Box!

Whenever I take a trip down to see my parents in the Bay Area, I'm always able to clear out their garage for another truck load of our returned meat boxes from customers who drop them off so we can reuse them again and again!

A customer named Karen E. just returned 18 boxes from Modesto and Doreen brought 12… how awesome are our customers?! And my sweet dad for stacking them all in their cute garage awaiting my next visit :)


We invest a lot in these custom built insulators that ensure our meat arrives safely and temperature controlled to our customers every time. Trust me, I’ve scoured the earth and nothing works better than these do! They are an investment, so we really appreciate being able to use them again and again.

For all of our customers who aren’t near the Bay Area, we have a library book donation program that allows customers to place a used book or two in their used box and send it back to us Media Rate through the US Post Office. We have so many people in our community who benefit from this program and are so thankful for all of the books! Although some postal workers say ‘huh?!’ - the head Post Master told us it’s a fantastic use of the media rate program!


For those customers who can’t get to a post office - we will also send a prepaid UPS label if you have saved up three or four boxes to tape together as one big, very lightweight box, which makes it economical for us to ship the boxes and liners to us as well.

We get most of our boxes back from customers, which allows us to keep our shipping rates down and reuse the materials over and over. Reuse, recycle, and resend to our awesome customers allows us to keep providing you with the best deliveries around!


Thank you so much to our awesome customers - we appreciate you!!!

Mary HeffComment